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Gilmore Church

Come and experience Jesus

Sunday Service Times

Join us for worship! Our services are held every Sunday at both 10:30 AM and 5:30 PM.
Everyone is welcome to share in this fellowship.

Located at 56 Coyne Street, Fadden, ACT

Morning Service

Our Sunday morning services are from 10:30AM - 12:30PM

Evening Service

Join us for our evening services at 5:30PM - 7:30PM on Sundays

Kid's Service

Our kid's services are held during both services.

About Us

At Gilmore Church, 
Our mission is simple:

To reach out to our neighbours in Tuggeranong with the love and power of God. We believe in Jesus’ resurrection and the Holy Spirit’s gifts. You’re welcome to join us, and if you need help getting here, just let us know. Together, let’s experience blessings, encouragement, and inspiration